Level 1:
Owners and managers of Wildlife Farms & Estates commit to ten fundamental principles in the responsible
management of wildlife (the Wildlife Estates Charter) and to compliance with UK/EU legislation.
At Level One, Wildlife Farms & Estates in England & Wales join the network of Wildlife Estates across Europe
which uphold good practice in managing wildlife and biodiversity.
- Identifying a manager and supervisor of the estate concerned
- Undertaking active wildlife management following a long term integrated wildlife management plan
- Maintaining records and monitoring the implementation of the wildlife management plan
- Undertaking sustainable shooting, stalking and/or fishing according to the European Charter on Hunting and Biodiversity or equivalent in national legislations
- Managing for a sustainable balance of game and wildlife and their shared habitats
- Improving, whenever possible, biodiversity and species notably those favourable to pollinators
- Compliance with all legal requirements, relevant national codes of practice and European environmental legislation (e.g., Natura 2000) or equivalent in national legislations.
- Adhering to the requirements of the agreement between Birdlife International and FACE on Directive 79/409/EEC, the European Charter on Hunting and Biodiversity, and the EU Commission’s Guide on Hunting under the Birds Directive or equivalent in national legislations
- Maintaining active engagement with local communities and undertaking education/awareness raising activities
- Making the required effort to prepare to apply for Level Two accreditation as soon as the estate has in place its strategy, management plans and baseline data (such as referred to in commitments 2 and 3 above), and within a reasonable period (no longer than 5 years).