Level Two:
In addition to Level 1 commitments the Wildlife Estates Label is awarded following an independent
assessment and review process via completion of a detailed questionnaire and visit to the applicant.
Accreditation and award of the Wildlife Estates Label:
Recognises that a farm or estate is managed in the best possible way so as to integrate wildlife, flora, fauna and all natural resources.
- The elements highlighted above are integrated with all appropriate commercial activities, including Agriculture, Forestry, Game Shooting and Tourism.
Presents robust, credible and measurable evidence of wildlife conservation and biodiversity
- To be robust the scheme requires this to be based on good science, to be credible it must be easily understood, accepted and trusted, and to be measurable the scheme requires to start from a sound database.
- Requires a policy of record keeping (species present, control of pests and invasive non native species, deer management etc.) and monitored implementation, verified by independent audit.
Shows to a wider audience how good management of biodiversity is, and must be, balanced and
- Demonstrates this management to all levels of government and administration, NGOs, policy makers, people of influence and other organisations, and to local communities by providing facilities for visits and platforms for practical discussions and education.
Sets a standard of excellence in the active, sustainable, measurable and intergenerational management of nature and natural resources by landowners.
- Land managers must demonstrate understanding of the species, habitats and natural resources present on the property and take steps to conserve, increase and where possible reinforce these, with a prime focus on maintaining, creating or expanding appropriate habitats across their property.
- Land managers must pursue best practice in conservation, including taking measures to improve and enhance the quality and biodiversity of the natural resources that are under their stewardship. In particular soil, woodland, water and wetlands, montane and coastal zones (where applicable), the sustainable management of shooting, fishing and the control of pests, vermin and invasive non native species where these take place on the estate.